Top Tips on How to Strengthen Your Dog’s Immune System

Kristina Tyler
5 min readDec 24, 2020
Photo by Anna Dudkova on Unsplash

Want to keep your precious pup healthy and strong? Then you need to boost your dog’s immune system. Read this article to learn how.

Healthy Diet

The quality of your dog’s diet affects your pup’s health. Although it’s tempting to snag those cheap dog food brands, they don’t contribute to good health.

In fact, they might even compromise your dog’s immune system. So, if you want a healthy pooch you need to provide high-quality food that contains all the right nutrients.

According to Dr. Susan Wynn, a practitioner at BluePearl Veterinary Partners in Sandy Springs, Georgia, your dog’s, “bacterial balance in the microbiome is heavily influenced by the diet.” This is super important because, “The gut contains about 70 percent of your immune system.”

If your dog is on a poor diet, the microbiome will be negatively impacted, which will then affect the immune system. That’s why you can’t overlook the importance of a healthy diet.

The Right Food for Your Dog

What does an ideal diet for dogs look like? Many experts would agree that dogs are omnivores, requiring mostly meat with some fruits and vegetables.

With that in mind, you should look for products that list real meat as the first ingredient. While you are taking a closer look at those store-bought foods, you will find that most of them contain starchy ingredients.

Those ingredients can cause inflammation. Cutting out the starch by switching to a grain-free diet might benefit your furry friend’s immune system.

And if possible, don’t buy anything that contains:

● By-products

● Fillers

● Preservatives

● Artificial Colors

● Soy

You could try making dog food at home. But if that sounds too intimidating, you will need to find trustworthy brands that offer high-quality products.

There are all kinds of different dog foods to choose from, such as raw, frozen, canned, dehydrated, and dry. Choosing the right one for your pup can be overwhelming.

The truth is, there isn’t one diet that works for all dogs. Each canine has its own specific needs. Your veterinarian can help you determine what your dog’s dietary needs are and how to meet them.


More people are realizing that probiotics are necessary for a strong immune system. But did you know that dogs also need probiotics?

Getting that good bacteria into your pet will improve your dog’s ability to fight off illnesses, while also keeping bad bugs in check and improving digestion.

Of course, you can’t use just any probiotic supplement. You have to find a product that’s both safe and effective.

That task isn’t as easy as it sounds and requires researching your options. Look for a product that comes from a reliable company and doesn’t contain any harmful ingredients.

You will also have to determine your dog’s ideal dosage. This is another area where you should get help from your holistic veterinarian.

Other Supplements

Besides probiotics, are there any other supplements that your dog should take? That depends on your pet’s specific needs.

You have to be careful. Giving your four-legged friend too many supplements could end up doing more harm than good.

That’s why you should always talk to your veterinarian before adding a new supplement to your dog’s health regimen.

There are many different kinds of supplements that strengthen the immune system. We’ve listed just three examples below.


Photo by Khara Woods on Unsplash

Also known as the purple coneflower, this powerful plant supports the immune system by activating the cells responsible for identifying and annihilating the bad guys.

This supplement works best when taken to prevent an illness, rather than giving it to your dog after your pet gets sick.

You should consider using Echinacea if your dog will be staying in a boarding kennel or doggy daycare.


Colostrum contains immune-boosting substances that can help your dog ward off illnesses. One example is Lactoferrin, a globular protein that combats infections.

This supplement is best for dogs suffering from allergy symptoms or frequent illnesses. If possible, choose a product made of colostrum that comes from grass-fed cows.

Fish Oil

Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for good health because they control inflammation and strengthen the immune system.

But the body (whether canine or human) is unable to produce omega-3 fatty acids on its own. That’s why they must come from a healthy diet or supplement.

You can make sure your four-legged buddy is getting enough omega-3 fatty acids by giving your dog a high-quality fish oil supplement.

How to Choose a Trustworthy Supplement

There are tons of products on the market that claim to offer amazing benefits. Unfortunately, many of them fall short of those claims. Even worse, some products contain ingredients that could harm your beloved pet.

How do you know what to trust? When researching different supplements, here’s what you need to do:

● Limit your options to companies that have already earned excellent reputations.

● Look for products that contain high-quality ingredients.

● Only choose products that have been tested for purity.

● Find out who created the product’s formula and check that person’s qualifications.

● Avoid any products that contain unnecessary and/or harmful ingredients.

● Get your holistic veterinarian’s advice.


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Physical activity is great for your dog because it strengthens the immune system and increases your pet’s happiness, resulting in better health.

Exercising your furball shouldn’t feel like a chore. Instead, it should be fun for both of you.

Think about activities you both enjoy and include them in your daily routine. Prevent boredom by switching them up. For example, you could take a hike on Saturday and play fetch on Sunday.

In Conclusion

If you want to keep your dog healthy, try out the tips in this article. They will support your pet’s immune system, enabling your canine companion to fight off all kinds of illnesses.

And remember, you should always talk with your veterinarian before implementing any of the tips found in this article.



Kristina Tyler

I’ve always had an entrepreneurial spirit. So, I became a freelance writer. Now, I write captivating copy that helps pet care businesses connect with customers!